Why join Beeflow's pollinator network?

By partnering with Beeflow, beekeepers can expect healthier beehives with larger and more productive colonies.

Beeflow stands apart by offering beekeepers nutrition-focused supplements to optimize pollination and support the health of their bees.

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Key benefits overview

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Use of Beeflow's exclusive nutrition technologies.

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Better performance in suboptimal weather conditions.

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Beekeeping knowledge exchange between beekeepers and Beeflow's technical global team.

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“It’s been great to work with Beeflow during the last blueberry pollination season. It’s been very interesting to see how they apply their technologies to improve how the bees work and how they monitor the field and the bees. They are a new company and they are in the process of learning together with the growers and beekeepers”

Leo from Bee Way
Beekeeper member of the network - USA
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"Beeflow has complied with the agreements, in relation to rent payments, including the payment of colonies collapsed during service. The company is serious, and has personnel trained in the management and technical guidance of bees on ranches"

Dr. Jose Maria Tapia Gonzalez
Director of the Bee Research Center/University of Guadalajara - Mexico
Image profile

"My work with Beeflow has been very positive: there is faithful compliance with the agreed contract. The work done with the bees in the field is excellent. They prepare the hives with their nutrition technologies and allow us to work alongside its technical beekeeping staff "

Juan Chunga
Beekeeper member of the network - Peru
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Join Beeflow's pollinator network and empower your beekeping business!

Complete the form:

United States Form
Mexico Form
Peru Form

Frequently asked questions

Beeflow compiled a list of FAQs made by beekeepers interested in our network.

Are you beekeepers?

Beeflow is a science based pollination company working together with beekeepers to provide cutting edge pollination services to farmers, measuring pollination during the bloom (crop and hives measurements) to make decisions in order to maximize pollination efficiency. Beeflow has beekeepers in the team, led by the Global beekeeping expert with more than 25 years of beekeeping experience. Beeflow also hires local temporary beekeepers to join Beeflow's beekeeping team during the pollination season.

What is Beeflow’s pollinator network?

Beeflow's pollinator network refers to the group of beekeepers from whom Beeflow sources beehives to support field operations. Trusted beekeepers play a critical role in ensuring the consistent flow of the necessary quality hives for the pollination services Beeflow offers. Beeflow values reliable beekeepers who prepare hives according to the company's protocols and technologies needs, delivering the hives on time and in the expected quantities. We highlight the potential for innovation and collaboration that arises working together with local beekeepers who form part of Beeflow's network.

What are some benefits of using Beeflow's technologies in my hives?

Beeflow offers offer a comprehensive solution that combines nutrition-focused supplements with advanced technology to optimize pollination and support the health of your bees. By partnering with Beeflow, you can expect larger and more productive and healthier colonies.

How can I join the network?

You can reach out to the beekeeping lead in your country by providing your information in the following link: Beekeeping Network, or call directly the beekeeping lead in your region.

Which are the main requirements?

Ideally, Beeflow is looking for local beekeepers in the regions where the company works in order to make the pollination service more efficient (e.g. local hive deliveries, fast response for maintenance requirements, understanding of management in the local environment) but Beeflow also adapts to the beekeeper’s needs and works together to find solutions logistic-wise in some cases. Beeflow prioritizes the delivery of good quality hives in all operations. The ideal beekeeper should have willingness to prepare hives according to Beeflow's protocols and technologies.

Is there a minimum number of beehives to offer for rent to join the network?

No minimum, since Beeflow sometimes provides pollination services for small farms (e.g. 20 acres, which means ~30 to ~80 hives depending on the crop) but the company also sometimes requires up to 400 or 1000 hives for a single service.

Is there a specific call or time to join the network?

The sooner you reach out to Beeflow the better. Ideally the operations team needs notification 45-60 days in advance from beekeepers interested in working with Beeflow. The idea is to coordinate the pollination program together and  to provide you with details on how the company operates and schedule the delivery of technologies in time to feed your hives.

Can I rent my hives to Beeflow and also be part of the temporary beekeeping team?

Beeflow has done this in the past and it turns out to be a great alliance since beekeepers work on the delivery of technologies in their own hives along with Beeflow and they get the chance to learn more about the pollination programs that the company offers as well as connecting with other beekeepers and growers.

Who can I contact to know more about the beekeeping network?

In the US You can contact Pedro Castillo at + 1 917-543 7203 ( or visit the following link and share your information. Beeflow's beekeeping team will be delighted to hear about you.

In Peru, you can contact German Zabala at + 51 943 5334 44 ( or visit the following link and share your information. Beeflow's beekeeping team will be delighted to hear about you.


Learn more about Beeflow's technologies